To get your press release picked up by the media, it’s crucial to craft a message that resonates
with journalists and editors. Here are five essential tips to help increase your chances of success.
1. Use AP Style
Utilizing Associated Press style is a must. Journalists are trained to read this format, therefore
following it makes your press release easier to understand and more likely to be published. AP
style ensures clarity, professionalism, and improves your credibility. All of these factors will
make your release more appealing to busy editors.
2. Include High-Resolution Imagery
Implementing high-quality visuals such as images, videos, or infographics into your writing can
make your press release shine in a crowded inbox. Visual content attracts attention and makes
your story more shareable across social media platforms. Visuals should be relevant and
complement your announcement. Be sure to provide links to resources such as your website and
press kit.
3. Keep It Concise
Journalists have busy schedules and prefer concise, organized press releases. Rely on the
standard release format: strong headline, brief introduction of the 5 Ws (Who, What, When,
Where, Why), detailed body text, a boilerplate, and contact information. Sticking to this structure
allows journalists to skim your release effectively and understand important details quickly.
4. Focus on Newsworthiness
Make sure when crafting your press release, it answers the question of, “Why is this news?”
Editors are scouting out stories that reflect timeliness, uniqueness, and impact. Understand
current trends and how your announcement can stand out to impact affected audiences.
5. Target the Right Audience
Target your outreach to journalists who address topics related to your news content. Do not send
your press release to just anyone. Creating a targeted media list vs. a generic one will increase
the chance of your press release being picked up due to personalization.
By following these five tips—using AP style, including visuals, keeping your message concise,
focusing on newsworthiness, and targeting the right audience—you’ll increase your chances of
getting your press release published. Crafting a clear, engaging, and well-targeted release is key
to gaining media coverage.
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