If you aren’t updating your website, you’re losing customers. Here are 3 reasons why you need to clean it up.

Your site isn’t eye-catching. Let’s be real, it’s 2022. People’s attention spans are getting shorter by the minute. You need to capture attention quickly with content that is up to date and minimal. Use brand colors consistently, make texts easy to read, stick to 1-2 fonts, check analytics to see what’s working, and create branded templates.

Your site isn’t relevant. Nothing is more annoying than going through content that is outdated. Those images from 2008 just aren’t going to cut it. You need to be keeping up with the latest trends. Trends are constantly changing which means to stay relevant you need to be continuously updating your site. Update content by adding new tools and know the target audience. 

Your site isn’t convenient. The call to actions need to be up front and clickable. Make it easy to connect with visible buttons to click such as “contact” or “order now” for a way to bring in customers. Poor site structure can result in low conversion rates and high bounce and exit rates, which can then lead to loss in revenue and upsetting digital customer experience and service.




Social Media Today


Lisa Williams

Author Lisa Williams


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